Our community groups

Network with other mentees and mentors in our communities!

Your contact person

Nadine is our Head of Community & Events and responsible for the organization of our groups. If you have questions, comments, or even your own ideas for new groups, then she is the right contact person.

This is how you reach Nadine:

Monday – Wednesday | 9 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Thursday | 9 – 14:30
Other appointments are also possible by appointment!

Mail: hennig@mentorme-ngo.org
Tel: +49 176 23870284 (auch per WhatsApp)

We look forward to hearing from you!

Our communities
Abroad Community

If this caught your attention you at some point of your life you might have lived or do still live in another country than the one you were born, raised, or otherwise socialized. The challenges that come with living abroad are so multifaced, only we who are going through this properly know. Therefore we have this space: to talk exchange our experiences and learn from one another.

Join our LinkedIn Group here

Community Lead


Constance Halentz Barros

has lived, studied and worked on four continents and calls more than one country and cultures her home. She is an international project manager with years of experience in cross cultural business, projects and events. Her children grow up quadrilingual and she and her binational family live in third-culture-countries.






Alma Manuka

has been living and working in 3 different countries she calls home now (and is still counting). You want to start it over somewhere? You need courage, information and you can get it all in our Abroad Community! She knows about the challenges you face when studying abroad, searching for jobs, building a network, attempts to fit in as much as the will to stand out.

Baden-Wuerttemberg Community

Do you live in Baden-Württemberg and would like to network on a local level? Here you can exchange ideas with local experts and gain insights into the job market in your region.

Would you like to be part of our community? Dann trete unserer Gruppe auf LinkedIn bei.

Community Lead


Gitta Rohling

Inspiring and empowering each other This is extremely important for women in the working world. Gitta now wants to promote these goals as a community lead in Baden-Württemberg. Gitta is a freelance PR consultant and copywriter with more than 20 years of professional experience. She is also happy to pass on her experience as a mentor at MentorMe




Johanne Heck Parsch

Mentoring offers valuable impulses, new perspectives and personal growth – Johanne is convinced of this. As a systemic business coach and consultant, her mission is to guide and empower people, teams and organizations on their growth journey. In her role as Community Lead, Johanne would like to promote networking and exchange in Ba-Wü.

Berlin community

Do you live in Berlin and would like to network on a local level? Here you can exchange ideas with local experts and gain insights into the job market in your region.

Would you like to be part of our community? Then join our group on LinkedIn .


Community Lead

Carmen Hergenhan

Carmen studied Financial Service Risk Management and has been working in the banking sector in Berlin ever since. As a community lead, she wants to promote networking and exchange across different industries and personalities in Berlin.




Stephanie Binder

Stefanie completed her mathematics studies in Heidelberg and Reims and has been working in the financial sector for 6 years. As a mentee, Stefanie would above all like to develop personally, be inspired and make new contacts. As a community lead for Berlin, she can now advance this goal on a different level and is happy to be able to help others to network sustainably.

applicant community

The group serves all those who are currently looking for a job and are looking for contacts and insights into employers. In addition to ongoing job offers and informative events, you can network with other job seekers and get tips from experts for your application process.

If you would like to learn more and wish yourself successful prospects for a new job, then join our LinkedIn group.

Community Lead

Emine Dogan

Emina has studied technical business administration and has already gained professional experience in various sectors such as teaching, public service, consulting and automotive. After working for a long time as a freelancer in the organizational area of trade fairs and events, Emina is dedicated to the topic of agility and coaching. She works as a Scrum Master in at the largest independent automotive service provider in Germany.

Bavaria Community

Do you live in Bavaria and would like to network on a local level? Here you can exchange ideas with local experts and gain insights into the job market in your region.

Would you like to be part of our community? Then join our LinkedIn group.

Community Lead

Stefanie van der Eck

Stefanie is a marketing specialist and has completed a part-time degree in health and social services. She currently serves as the Executive Director for a sports association and brings over 20 years of professional experience in organizational development, human resource development and sales/marketing. Besides her main job, Stefanie works as a psychological consultant and business coach. The core topics are accompanying people in their development, diversity and inclusion, female empowerment and mentoring. As Community Lead, Stefanie wants to strengthen mutual networking, set new impulses, change perspectives and empower each other.




Leonie Ziegler

To connect women with different interests and to make a difference together with small steps are Leonie’s goals. That’s exactly what she wants to do as Community Lead in Munich together with Stefanie van Eck. Leonie has been a political scientist in the public sector for two years and a MentorMe mentee for just as long.

consulting community

The Community Consulting at Mentor Me aims to offer an interactive exchange for those interested in the topic of consulting. We stand for a community that meets at eye level and inspires and motivates each other.

Would you like to be part of our community? Then join our LinkedIn group.

Community Lead

carolina mirror

Carolina studied Romance languages in Munich and did her doctorate in linguistics in Bremen, gaining international work experience in Spain, France, Israel and Turkey. Her curiosity for the consulting world led her to an international strategy consultancy. She is currently working in the area of change management and organizational development in a management consultancy in Bremen. Together with Jasna she runs MentorMe Community Consulting.


Yasna Emso

Jasna is doing a double MBA at the University of Durham and EBS and works as a consultant at a management consultancy. Female empowerment, self-organization and the human factor in project and change management are her current core topics. She launched the consulting community at Mentor Me together with Carolina Spiegel.

diversity community

At the monthly events on the topic of diversity, we want to draw attention to different forms of discrimination and at the same time show ways in which we can fight it. Experts provide insights into diversity management and various living environments. In the community you can exchange ideas and network on these and other topics.

This group is currently on pause.

Community Lead

Johanna Salewsky

Johanna completed a 120-hour diversity trainer training course at the Berlin association “ Eine Welt der Vielfalt” and heads this group.


Female Founders Community

Are you interested in self-employment and looking for advice, or have you already founded and gained experience as an entrepreneur that you would like to share? There is space here to exchange ideas about all phases of founding and entrepreneurship. Take part in events, network and get closer to your goal of independence.

You can find more information in our Linkedin group

Community Lead

Norhan Abdel Aziz

Norhan AbdelAziz studied Business Administration with a focus on Marketing and then completed her Masters in Innovation Management & Entrepreneurship. She is interested in all topics related to startups, design thinking, marketing, innovation and agile management.

Hamburg Community

Do you live in Hamburg and would like to network on a local level? Here you can exchange ideas with local experts and gain insights into the job market in your region. Would you like to be part of our community? Then join our LinkedIn group.

Community Lead

Anna Punke-Dresen

Anna Punke-Dresen has been working in various positions in the non-profit, foundation and cultural sectors for over fifteen years, including program management for fundraising for the German-Russian Youth Exchange Foundation and board member for the Hamburg association HAMBURGER MIT HERZ. She is a co-initiator and a member of the management team of the Young People and Foundations group. In addition, she is a lecturer for cultural promotion and cultural policy at various universities.



Marleen Bruening

Marleen studied cognitive science and business administration and, after various professional positions and stays abroad, has been working in management consulting since 2019. At MentorMe, Marleen supports the coordination of the Hamburg meet-ups.

Family community

In this community, regular events are held together with various experts on issues related to the compatibility of care work and career. The program includes workshops with practical input as well as presentations by inspiring role models and enriching offerings for self-reflection and resilience building. Within the community, we support each other and exchange ideas on individual challenges and questions.

Are you interested in the above topics and want to learn more? Join our LinkedIn group.

Community Lead

Susan Zielke

Susan has a degree in anthroplogy and cultural studies. Her passion for diversity, lifelong learning, personal development and female empowerment is a common thread throughout her career. She is enthusiastic about social transformation processes and a lively theory-practice transfer in the world of work. As a mother of three children, she knows the challenge of always and constantly tinkering with a coherent career and family model.

Mentor community

The group serves as an exchange between mentors who are registered with MentorMe and accompany our mentees. In the group, our mentors can ask questions about mentoring, ask others for their opinions and advice, and share tools for the mentoring sessions. Mentors who are on break and/or not yet matched are also welcome to join this group!

Would you like to become part of our community and exchange ideas? Then join our LinkedIn group.

Networking and exchange community

The group is used for mutual support, networking and communication among our mentees and mentors. Here we exchange ideas, job offers, events, articles and everything that might be of interest to mentees and mentors.

Are you part of our MentorMe program? Then join our LinkedIn group where we organize and share events on an ongoing basis.

New Work Community

Our New Work Community is dedicated to topics related to new ways of working in our digital and global age. Here you have the opportunity to exchange ideas about the innovative concept of the new working world and to take part in exciting events where you can gain deeper insights into the subject areas.

Would you like to be part of our community? Then join our LinkedIn group.

Community Lead

Anna Cattelnik

As a learning enthusiast, certified Digital Learning Manager & Scrum Master, Ana Katzelnik is constantly developing organizations, people and herself. She is an expert for personnel development, new work, agile methods & digital learning. For more than 10 years she has been working as a trainer and consultant on the topics of leadership, communication, agile and digital tools, team building, time management, presentation, rhetoric and self-directed learning. In addition to positions at international organizations and management consultancies, she accompanies people and organizations in their development with her passion.

NRW Community

You live in NRW and want to network on a local level? Here you can exchange ideas with local experts and gain insights into the job market in your region.

Would you like to be part of our community? Dann trete unserer Gruppe auf LinkedIn bei.

Community Lead

Anna Cattelnik

As a learning enthusiast, certified Digital Learning Manager & Scrum Master, Ana Katzelnik is constantly developing organizations, people and herself. She is an expert for personnel development, new work, agile methods & digital learning. For more than 10 years she has been working as a trainer and consultant on the topics of leadership, communication, agile and digital tools, team building, time management, presentation, rhetoric and self-directed learning. In addition to positions at international organizations and management consultancies, she accompanies people and organizations in their development with her passion.

Personal branding community
With the community focusing on personal branding, we want to give a new space to the topics of visibility, positioning and the development of one’s own personal branding. Does this topic concern you and you want to know more? Then use the community events for new input, new perspectives and experiences from experts or learn tips and tricks in interactive workshops. Would you like to talk about your first steps or talk to like-minded people about their path? Then use our regular get-togethers for networking or become part of our LinkedIn group .
Community Leads
Floris Müller-Reichenwallner
Floris did an apprenticeship as a media clerk, in recent years she has studied part-time for a bachelor’s degree in business psychology and a master’s degree in human resource management. Floris is currently working as a consultant in an IT service company. Her previous professional experience has shown her how important networks and visibility are for women*. Mutual empowerment is Flori’s heart issue. She founded the Personal Branding Community in order to work together on her personal branding in an exchange, to grow together and to empower each other.
Charline Kappes
Charline has a master’s degree in economics and, after positions in politics and the financial sector, has been working full-time in sales for an IT security start-up since 2020. In addition to her main job, she founded a non-profit digitization consultancy for NGOs and is actively involved in politics. In addition to digitization and politics, her main topic is personal branding.
Professionals with disabilities

Do you have a disability yourself or would you like to exchange ideas with people who have a disability? In this community we offer you the space for it. Here you have the opportunity to network and talk about the topic.

Join our community in our LinkedIn group !

Community Lead

Karen Schallert

Karen is a humanities graduate and has worked for many years as a human resources manager in international plant construction. After working for Deutsche Post DHL Group and McKinsey & Company, she is now a coach for women with physical disabilities who want to become managers. She is also on the road as a speaker and has worked on an encouraging book on the subject of work and disability. She has had multiple sclerosis for many years and uses a wheelchair. She lives in Bonn.





Isabelle Joswig

Isabelle is a project manager for disability inclusion at Google, a former business consultant, and describes herself as an activist for greater femininity & inclusion in business. She has a background in change management and a great passion for the DEI topic. Isabelle is a Rhenish cheerful soul, spent a lot of time abroad during her studies and now lives in Munich.
Professional community

In this group, the members exchange information on topics such as professional reorientation and everyday challenges in the job. We organize meetings and workshops with professionals who give us tips and experiences, as well as hard skills such as project management tools or creativity techniques.

Are you interested in the topics and want to network? Then join our LinkedIn group and learn more.

Community Lead

Patricia Wiesker

Patricia develops digital strategies and products – preferably where you can make a difference! She lived in China for five years, so she knows what is digitally feasible and would like to bring enthusiasm for innovation to Germany. She has been with MentorMe since 2017 and is convinced of the positive impact of mentoring – especially for young professionals!

Public Affairs Community

Are you interested in the topics of political work and consulting? In addition to communication within the group, experts from the fields of politics, business and society also provide deep insights into their field at events. Here you can take part in exciting events and network with others from the industry.

Do you deal with the topics mentioned above? Then join our LinkedIn group.

Community Lead

Ivonne Wenzel

Ivonne is a creative business economist (with a focus on marketing, strategic and turnaround management) with a heart. She has been working for more than 20 years at Deutsche Telekom AG in the areas of Telekom training, idea generation management and currently in group travel management. She is a passionate design thinking and visual facilitator, and loves to create new ideas using creativity techniques. True to the motto “Out of the comfort zone and into the fun,” she is looking forward to networking and sharing knowledge within the community.

Rhine-Main Community

Do you live in the Rhein-Main area and would like to network on a local level? Here you can exchange ideas with local experts and gain insights into the job market in your region.

Would you like to be part of our community? Then join our Facebook group and stay up to date.

Community Lead

Eveline Volz

Eveline completed the international master’s degree “Political Science with a focus on North-South relations and spent some time abroad, including in Chile and Canada. She works in political education and is the MentorMe Community Lead for the Rhine-Main area.

Senior Professionals Community

In this group, the members primarily exchange ideas on all senior professional topics. We organize meetings and workshops with experts and look forward to a lively exchange.

Are you interested in the topics and want to network? Then join our LinkedIn and learn more.

Community Lead


Afrodita Kermichieva Panovska

Afrodita has been working in people management for over twenty years. Her heart beats for agile working and she is a Design Thinker, Scrum Master and Prince2 Agile Practitioner. She did her MBA in London, Great Britain and lives with her family in Bonn. At MentorMe, Afrodita is the lead for the “Senior Professionals” community.



Anna Katharina Klumpp

As a leadership coach and trainer, Katharina empowers leaders to unleash their full potential so they can lead themselves and their team with confidence and purpose. She is convinced that appreciative leadership is the core for successful teams and thus the prerequisite for meaningful and fulfilling collaboration.Katharina has been a mentor at MentorMe for six years and together with Afrodita she leads the “Senior Professionals” community.

Tech Community

In this group, everything revolves around topics from the areas of digitalization, cyber and IT. Our experts pass on their experience and expertise to interested parties at events and zoom events.

Are you interested in the topics and want to network? Then join our LinkedIn and learn more.

Community Lead

Lena Höfig

Lena went on to study Criminal Justice, Governance and Police Science after completing her dual degree in Criminal Investigation. Lena was active in both cybercrime prosecution at the BKA and cybersecurity at the BSI. Currently, Lena is responsible for a sub-project of IT consolidation at BMI.

Among other things, she is involved in MentorMe for more visibility of women in IT and would like to see more diversity in the tech industry.


Women of Color Community

Our Women of Color Community serves the networking and exchange of BIPoC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color). We organize meetings, events and webinars on topics that move us here in the group. We want to create a space for all possible forms of intersectionality and also encourage all members to bring up their own topics.

Become a part of our community in our Facebook group!

Community Lead

Francine Uwera

Francine studied translation and European law at Saarland University. She then did her doctorate with a focus on language policy, internationalization and university didactics at the University of Luxembourg. Today she works as a consultant for university development. At MentorMe, Francine is the lead for the “Women of Color” community with Johanna.




Johanna Kuchling

Johanna studied Sociology and English/American Studies in Potsdam and, after positions in the organization of youth exchange programs and organization of a university mentoring program, now works in advising those who have doubts about their studies and those who drop out at the TU Braunschweig. She lives there with her husband and daughter. Since your studies, you have been primarily concerned with the topics of gender and diversity. Johanna has been a MentorMe mentee since last year and is organizing the Women of Color community together with Francine this year.