Quotations from our mentees

Join as mentee

I met inspiring people, was able to get a taste of a wide range of professional fields and found out which directions are interesting for me because I was able to ask open questions at events and received honest answers. I was also able to strengthen my self-confidence and my appearance in a professional context.

Lucy Jo Fitz

Projekt- und Eventmanagerin

I became a MentorMe mentee because I come from a working-class family and didn’t have any useful contacts in the professional world. In addition, the MentorMe program was a very good opportunity to continue working on myself and to position myself better for my future jobs. I can recommend MentorMe and am a part of it for a second year myself.

Iuna Hoffmann

Partnership Managerin

I wouldn’t be where I am today without MentorMe, my mentors and the community. Es hilft mir enorm, meine Ziele sichtbar zu machen, sie zu verfolgen und „on track“ zu bleiben. For me it means commitment, cohesion, belonging, power, motivation, signposts and inspiration!

Maria Eckert

E-Learning Expertin

What I got from MentorMe in the three (!) years that I was a mentee: experienced top management mentors from companies like Apple and Weber Shandwick, support with questions about my first job, getting to know new areas, networking with other mentees and: contact with my current employer!

Dara Kossok skewer

Digitization Advisor

I was a mentee at MentorMe in the second year of the program and I liked the concept, the idea and the implementation so much that I now support young women myself as a mentor as they get from science to practice. And, I support mentees who are mothers in their questions about the compatibility of “child and career”. Because yes, it is possible!

Marie Huber

Project Manager Science

Even if I wasn’t able to come to all MentorMe events and training sessions, the mentoring and the large number and variety of networking events and training sessions convinced me. I can recommend this program to all women who lack good sparring partners and who want to benefit from great contacts with employers and experienced professionals!

Julian Drews

Economic Coordinator

MentorMe is an inspiring network that gave me a lot of strength and security to master professional challenges. The combination of mentoring, training and numerous networking events enabled me to look beyond the professional horizon and to substantiate my own career ideas.

Marisa Kittel

Europe consultant

MentorMe gave me the opportunity to develop myself professionally in a variety of ways and to get to know exciting employers and people. I appreciated the exchange in the network, with the experts and my mentor, who always give me new food for thought and ideas for my professional career and my path.

Florence Mühlenbein

project manager

MentorMe is an incredibly diverse program, very inspiring and open people, innovative offers and a lot of heart (blood) in the implementation. Many thanks to Karin and her team for these opportunities! I can only advise every woman to be there!

Stephanie Fester

strategy manager

From MentorMe I take with me a huge network of great, supportive people (mentors and mentees) and contacts in a wide variety of industries and areas, many new perspectives on work and job as well as valuable ideas for my personal professional future. Ich bin froh, dass ich mich entschlossen habe, Mentee bei MentorMe zu werden.

Lucy Demers


Through MentorMe I met people who showed me that my own path is the right one and that you can achieve anything if you work at it. Workshops have made me more confident, the networking events were excellently organized. My mentor Kate gave me food for thought and took away my fears.

Esther Maria Rohde

Student Assistant

The variety of the program from personal mentoring, training and networking events with exciting and successful people, the exchange with the wonderful MentorMe team and the other mentees who were in a similar situation enriched me in different ways. I also benefit as a mentee alumni!

Sarah van Bentum

Coordinator World Assembly

Das Mentoring hat mir viel gebracht! Ich habe mich als Professional in der Umorientierungsphase mit meinem Mentor weiterentwickelt. Vom Bewerbungsprozess und Bewerbungsschreiben über Gehaltsverhandlungen bis hin zum Üben vor Jobinterviews. Auch vermittelte Kontakte haben sich positiv auf meine Jobsuche ausgewirkt.

Nastya Koro

User Experience Strategist

I’m happy to have become part of MentorMe because I’ve met a lot of great and inspiring people here. It is a network full of great people who help and support with their experience and expertise and give me the feeling that I don’t have to go my own way.

Martje Schreier


I received a lot of support in my further career planning and was happy to take any advice from my experienced mentor. In addition, as a supporter at six MentorMe events or training sessions, I benefited from the 35% discount on the mentee fee and was therefore able to pay less.

Caya Prill


I got both an internship and my future job through the MentorMe network. Both of my mentors were great women: first a managing director and then a coach, both of whom have accompanied me essentially in my professional questions and have always been at my side with advice and expertise.

Nadine Schultz

community manager

Ich habe ich einen ganz tollen Mentor erhalten! He is the co-founder of a company in an area that is similar to mine and was therefore able to accompany, motivate, encourage and advise me perfectly on my own path to independence and entrepreneurship as a coach. Nun leite ich selbst die Gruppe der Doktorandinnen bei MentorMe!

Dr. Anna-Maria Beck
