Use mentoring for your professional development!

At MentorMe, we help you find the right mentor for you. Here you will learn everything you need to know.
To the mentee application form

You can become a mentee, …


... if you identify yourself as a woman.

Whether you are a mother, student, doctoral candidate, young professional, self-employed or experienced professional – everyone can benefit from mentoring. Your age plays absolutely no role.


... if you want to develop yourself further.

No matter if you are just starting your career or are already in the middle of it. You are ambitious and want to position yourself professionally, develop further or change.

This is what MentorMe means to our mentees:





Our mentee says …

I received a really great mentor! He is a co-founder of a company in a field similar to mine and was therefore perfectly able to accompany, motivate, encourage and advise me on my own way to self-employment as a coach. Now I myself lead the group of female doctoral students at MentorMe!

Dr. Anna-Maria Beck


Our mentee says …

I joined MentorMe as a mentee because I come from a working-class family, so I didn’t have any professional contacts that worked in my field. Plus, the MentorMe program was a great opportunity to keep learning and growing, and ensure I was better positioned to get hired in the future. This is my second year in the program.

Iuna Hoffmann

Partnership Manager

Our mentee says …

I wouldn’t be where I am today without MentorMe, my mentor, and the whole community. They really helped me to visualize my goals, pursue them, and stay on track. To me, MentorMe embodies commitment, solidarity, belonging, power, motivation, guidance, and inspiration. Thank you so much to everyone involved!

Maria Eckert

E-Learning Expert

12-month mentee program (2022/23)

Registration still possible in November!

Our program year officially starts on November 26, 2022 with our big MentorMe Kick-Off Event with all mentees & mentors of the new program year. Until then, you still have the chance to bring mentoring into your life and become a mentee at MentorMe Germany!

How MentorMe works: Every year in November, the 12-month MentorMe program begins. Mentees use our mentoring, training and networking services during this period. Once you have been matched with your mentor, you can register for the kick-off event. We look forward to seeing you there! 💓

What does MentorMe offer mentees?

With a personal mentor you will overcome personal hurdles and achieve your professional goals and dreams. You will also become part of our helpful network and educate yourself further in our events and training courses on topics related to careers and further development.

Service #1

Matching & Mentoring

Matching: Access to a pool of 3000 mentors on the matching platform, several mentor suggestions according to individual specifications based on the MentorMe matching algorithm, final selection by mentee – your “Perfect Match”.

1:1 Mentoring: Regular sessions with mentor (min. 1 h/month), online or offline

Support: Mentoring toolbox for designing the sessions, supervision for questions & hurdles by mediators & community team.

Standards: MentorMe works according to the quality standards of the German Association for Mentoring

Your benefit: You profit from the expertise and possibly the contacts of your mentor.

MentorMe team ->

Service #2

Training sessions & events

1 Kick-off event: introduction to the program year with all mentees & mentors

4 Upskilling sessions: Topics focusing on future plans, networking, presentation, and negotiation

220 events per year: on relevant career topics: Personal Branding, Leadership Skills, Money Mindset, New Work and many more, evenings with experts such as founders, female bosses, consultants, social startups, consultants, networking events.

Your benefit: You get to know like-minded people, gain new perspectives and become more self-confident and confident.

MentorMe Event Calendar ->

Service #3

Community & network

Network: Access to a large network of supporters, companies and coaches for professional questions and job offers.

Online Community: Access to exclusive online community with 21 different groups for your professional questions and job offers (volunteering, part-time & full-time jobs) as well as to thematic and local groups: e.g. founders, moms & dads, professionals, new work, applicants, women of color, diversity etc., access after the end of the program year as alumni mentee

Your benefit: You build up your own network and get advice from HR professionals for your personal hurdles and questions.

MentorMe Communities ->

The MentorMe program year

August – November

Starting in August, women can sign up to be mentees. The matching with a mentor takes place immediately after registration. The price remains the same during this period (and after), so it pays to get in early.


Every year
End of November
the program year starts with a big KickOff event with all mentees, mentors & the MentorMe team. In PY 22/23 it is on 11/26/22.

November – October

Starting in November, the program will run for 12 months, during which you as a mentee will take advantage of the mentoring, participate in events & trainings and be an active part of the community.

How to sign up as a mentee!


You fill out the registration form, determine the amount of your mentee contribution, and pay a €30 fee so we know you’re serious. This amount will be credited to you later.


You will be redirected to the matching platform. There you fill out the matching questionnaire. Based on your information, mentors will be suggested to you – until you are satisfied.


Once you are matched with the mentor of your dreams, you will be asked to pay for your mentee membership. As we are a social company, the membership fee is based on your financial situation.


You contact your mentor and you arrange your first session. In parallel, you choose your monthly career events and networking opportunities from the MentorMe event calendar.

What are the dues for mentee membership?

Unsere Beiträge orientieren sich an deinem Einkommen. Bei der Anmeldung gibst du den Menteebeitrag an, der zu deiner aktuellen Situation passt. You can later claim this as a further education expense against tax. Und: Du zahlst nur dann, wenn du gematcht und glücklich mit deinem*r Mentor*in bist.


Your employer pays.
  • Employer Contribution: This applies if your mentee contribution is paid by your employer.
  • Please use this form for your registration:

Our mentors

Passionate expertise

MentorMe has a huge pool of mentors, both men and women, all of whom have at least 5 years of professional experience. They are passionate about what they do and want to share their professional expertise and experience with their mentees.

In a variety of positions

Our mentors are executives, managers, consultants, founders, the self-employed, department heads, public servants, coaches, educators, HR professionals, and more.

From company A - Z

Our mentors represent all industries, companies, and organizations from A for ARTE & Auswärtiges Amt (the German Foreign Office) through Deutsche Bahn (German Railway), the European Commission, Facebook, Unicef and on to Z for Zalando & Zeit Magazin.

And many, many more!

This is Nadine, your contact person!

Nadine Hennig, Head of Community at MentorMe Germany, is looking forward to discussing your personal questions and wishes. This is the best way to reach Nadine:

Monday – Wednesday from 9:00 – 16:30
Thursday from 9:00 – 14:30

Phone & WhatsApp: 0049 176 238 702 84

A successful and satisfying professional life is a goal that every woman achieve – regardless of where she is today.

Karin Heinzl – Founder and CEO of MentorMe

Not sure yet if you want to sign up as a mentee? Then subscribe to our email updates here! We inform you about news from the MentorMe cosmos, current specials & mentoring.

* indicates required
/ ( dd / mm )

Use mentoring for your professional development!

At MentorMe, we help you find the right mentor for you. Here you will learn everything you need to know.
Mentee's registration form

You can become a mentee, …


... if you identify yourself as a woman.

Whether you are a mother, student, doctoral candidate, young professional, self-employed or experienced professional – everyone can benefit from mentoring. Your age plays absolutely no role.


... if you want to develop yourself further.

No matter if you are just starting your career or are already in the middle of it. You are ambitious and want to position yourself professionally, develop further or change.

Do you want to become a mentee NOW?
This is YOUR opportunity!

Our May special: Become a mentee for 1/2 price

Redeemable until 05/31/22 | Code: May Special 2022 | €387

If you become a mentee in May, you only pay half the price of €387 (instead of €774) and receive the following benefits until October 2022:

  • Matching with a mentor based on your wishes
  • Monthly mentoring for personal development
  • Skill training sessions, networking specials & career events
  • Exchange in our exclusive online communities

Register now with the code “Mai Special 2022” here!

Registration for the May Special is now open. We will start matching the new mentees already after Easter! ?

12-month mentee program (2022/23)

Registration still possible in November!

Our program year officially starts on November 26, 2022 with our big MentorMe Kick-Off Event with all mentees & mentors of the new program year. Until then, you still have the chance to bring mentoring into your life and become a mentee at MentorMe Germany!

How MentorMe works: Every year in November, the 12-month MentorMe program begins. Mentees use our mentoring, training and networking services during this period. Once you have been matched with your mentor, you can register for the kick-off event. We look forward to seeing you there! 💓

Our mentee says …

I received a really great mentor! He is a co-founder of a company in a field similar to mine and was therefore perfectly able to accompany, motivate, encourage and advise me on my own way to self-employment as a coach. Now I myself lead the group of female doctoral students at MentorMe!

Dr. Anna-Maria Beck


Our mentee says …

Without MentorMe, my mentors, and the community, I wouldn’t be where I am today. It helps me enormously to make my goals visible, to follow them and to stay “on track”. For me, MentorMe means commitment, cohesion, belonging, power, motivation, signposting and inspiration!

Maria Eckert

E-Learning Expert

This is what MentorMe means to our mentees:





What does MentorMe offer mentees?

With a personal mentor you will overcome personal hurdles and achieve your professional goals and dreams. You will also become part of our helpful network and educate yourself further in our events and training courses on topics related to careers and further development.

Service #1

Matching & Mentoring

Matching: Access to a pool of 3000 mentors on the matching platform, several mentor suggestions according to individual specifications based on the MentorMe matching algorithm, final selection by mentee – your “Perfect Match”.

1:1 Mentoring: Regular sessions with mentor (min. 1 h/month), online or offline

Support: Mentoring toolbox for designing the sessions, supervision for questions & hurdles by mediators & community team.

Standards: MentorMe works according to the quality standards of the German Association for Mentoring

Your benefit: You profit from the expertise and possibly the contacts of your mentor.

MentorMe team ->

Service #2

Training sessions & events

1 Kick-off event: introduction to the program year with all mentees & mentors

4 Upskilling sessions: Topics focusing on future plans, networking, presentation, and negotiation

220 events per year: on relevant career topics: Personal Branding, Leadership Skills, Money Mindset, New Work and many more, evenings with experts such as founders, female bosses, consultants, social startups, consultants, networking events.

Your benefit: You get to know like-minded people, gain new perspectives and become more self-confident and confident.

MentorMe Event Calendar ->

Service #3

Community & network

Network: Access to a large network of supporters, companies and coaches for professional questions and job offers.

Online Community: Access to exclusive online community with 21 different groups for your professional questions and job offers (volunteering, part-time & full-time jobs) as well as to thematic and local groups: e.g. founders, moms & dads, professionals, new work, applicants, women of color, diversity etc., access after the end of the program year as alumni mentee

Your benefit: You build up your own network and get advice from HR professionals for your personal hurdles and questions.

MentorMe Communities ->

What are the dues for mentee membership?

Unsere Beiträge orientieren sich an deinem Einkommen. Bei der Anmeldung gibst du den Menteebeitrag an, der zu deiner aktuellen Situation passt. You can later claim this as a tax deduction for further education. Und: Du zahlst nur dann, wenn du gematcht und glücklich mit deinem*r Mentor*in bist.


Your employer pays.
  • Employer Contribution: This applies if your mentee contribution is paid by your employer.
  • Please use this form for your registration:

This is Nadine, your contact person!

Nadine Hennig, Head of Community at MentorMe Germany, is looking forward to discussing your personal questions and wishes. This is the best way to reach Nadine:

Monday – Wednesday from 9:00 – 16:30
Thursday from 9:00 – 14:30

Phone & WhatsApp: 0049 176 238 702 84

Our mentors

Passionate expertise

MentorMe has a huge pool of mentors, both men and women, all of whom have at least 5 years of professional experience. They are passionate about what they do and want to share their professional expertise and experience with their mentees.

In a variety of positions

Our mentors are executives, managers, consultants, founders, the self-employed, department heads, public servants, coaches, educators, HR professionals, and more.

Across industries

Our mentors represent all industries, companies, and organizations from A for ARTE & Auswärtiges Amt (the German Foreign Office) through Deutsche Bahn (German Railway), the European Commission, Facebook, Unicef and on to Z for Zalando & Zeit Magazin.

I am a mentor out of passion and in order to pass on my wealth of professional experience and my industry insights to young female talents, to support them in their start in professional life or also in their advancement as young managers of tomorrow, and to make my network available at Coca-Cola but also beyond.

Katharina Magerl
Senior Procurement Manager & Mentor at MentorMe

MentorMe is a great opportunity to support young women on their carrer path and sometimes on a personal level, too as well as it offers an opportunity for self-reflection on my own career path. My mentees and I have a good level of trust with each other and through my contacts I already helped mentees to land a job … Thanks MentorMe for your hard work!

Clare Waldmann
Program Manager Environment & Mentor at MentorMe

I’m excited to be a mentor with MentorMe! What I can offer my mentees: Knowledge transfer from my career in an IT corporation and as a business manager; sales experience; advice on career planning and on conflict management and communication; goal planning and goal fulfillment. And, of course: listening to the mentee and responding to her professional concerns, questions and wishes.

Dr. Jens Hündling
Coach, Consultant& Mentor at MentorMe

Not sure yet if you want to sign up as a mentee? Then subscribe to our email updates here! We inform you about news from the MentorMe cosmos, current specials & mentoring.

* indicates required
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