MentorMe Program

Join as menteeJoin as mentor

Career advancement for women through mentoring, training, networking

1. Mentoring

  • Monthly 1:1 mentoring: At the monthly mentoring session, the mentee and her mentor meet virtually or in person. Initially, the goals and limits of mentoring are discussed. The focus is also on the professional interests, desires and skills of the mentees. The mentoring teams decide where and when the sessions take place and whether they are structured or open-ended.
  • We find the perfect mentoring team: We work according to the quality standards of the German Society for Mentoring and only match mentoring teams that mutually agree. Based on the profiles of the mentees and the mentors, we use our matching software to find the right mentoring teams. We take into account the individual ideas of both sides so that there is a perfect match and a successful mentoring year can begin.
  • Goals of the mentoring: The mentees learn from the expertise of the mentors. They pass on their professional knowledge, their personal experiences, tips on starting a career, returning to work, positioning or even self-employment and founding a company, as well as contacts. The mentoring teams look for ways to promote the mentee’s strengths and work on weaknesses in order to be able to take the next professional step.

2. Workout

Program participants can take part in these four online training courses per program year. The training sessions are always on Sundays (10:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. including a 30-minute break)

  • Vision of the future : Where am I and where do I want to go? On 12/12/21
  • Networking : How do I approach others and create a network? On 02/20/22
  • Appear confidently: How do I convince others verbally and non-verbally? On 04/24/22
  • Negotiating : How to win in salary and position talks? On 6/12/22

Our mentors also offer lectures and short workshops (some of which are subject to a fee). Here is a selection :

  • Personal Branding on LinkedIn : How can I sell myself on LinkedIn and build myself as a brand/expert?
  • Coping with job-related crises of meaning: How do I get out of my job and into a profession that brings me meaning and fulfillment ?
  • Project management : how does it work and what tools are there that I can quickly learn?
  • Courage in the work context: How can I be more self-confident in my job?
  • My journey from expert to trusted advisor : How do I position myself from an expert to a consultant?

3. Networking

We believe in the potential of networking! Our networking events take place online and in Berlin, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Munich and Stuttgart.

Networking events – for mentees & mentors

  • An evening with experts : The evenings with experts from various sectors (such as consulting, foundations, HR, trainers & coaches, NGOs & social startups, politics, communication, women bosses) offer insight into the sectors and personal careers of the speakers. Except for the evening with tech experts, all of these events will take place in Berlin and will be broadcast online.
  • MentorMe communities on various main topics: Smaller groups meet monthly to deal with topics such as parenthood and work ( moms & dads), job applications (applicants), doctoral studies (doctoral students), founding a company (founders) and positioning and reorientation (young professionals). Experts are invited to the meetings who can answer questions on selected topics and share their experiences.
  • Visits to companies and organizations: Office tours and Q&As (at the Federal Foreign Office, BMI, Federal Press Office, Bundestag, EY, Facebook, Google, start-up scene) offer insights into work cultures and about entry and promotion opportunities. The visits take place in German metropolises. If our hosts allow it, they will be transmitted online.
  • Networking for mentees & mentors: The “Job Interview Session” offers our mentees the opportunity to run through job interviews with several “interviewers” and receive feedback on their performance. At the “Let’s Network” event, mentees can meet many interesting mentors. They take place in Berlin and are (so far) not broadcast online due to the interactive format.
  • Lunch & After Work Sessions: Our mentors hold them Lectures on various topics (e.g. Money Mindset, From Advisor to Trusted Advisor).
  • Get-Together for Mentors: Exchange about mentoring and networking of our mentors.
  • Free events/fairs: Free offers are available throughout Germany through our partners such as Tagesspiegel, herCareer, Facebook and BME.

Online community – for mentees & mentors

  • We have a global online community for mentees and mentors on Facebook and LinkedIn . They serve to exchange and share job advertisements as well as offers for coaching, seminars, events, career advice and inspirational content. Here, community members can independently ask for expertise and advice at any time and exchange views on current topics with other participants.
  • Online communities : On Facebook and LinkedIn you have the opportunity to exchange ideas in the topic-specific groups with others who are interested in the same professional fields (e.g. the public policy group) or who are in similar circumstances (e.g. mothers or doctoral students).

Our program

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